President’s Report – 1989



The previous half year has seen a consolidation of our finance. The balances in the General and Research accounts, although not large, are now fairly well established. The increase in membership subscription and suggested donation has caused hardly any of our members and donors to withdraw their support. Indeed, we have significantly increased the support since the disastrous 1987 financial year.
The donation made by SGAP (N.S.W. Region) and access to the Journal ‘Australian Plants’ enabled the Foundation to mount a modest recruitment campaign which helped significantly in the increase in our funds. The foundation can now service its own promotions. This help did, in fact, save the Foundation from extinction.
300 copies of the second News sheet, produced by Malcolm Reed, were distributed in late May and a number of letters have been received to indicate that our supporters appreciated even this modest communication from the Executive. Each News sheet costs 5-6 membership fees to produce and post and this one has resulted in several renewals of support. Furthermore, the News sheet and a membership application form was distributed to all former supporters on the 1987 list seeking a renewal of their support. This has also resulted in a significant number doing so.
We should now consider whether we should call for grant applications at the end of the year or further consolidate our revenue. We must also consider whether we should only accept grant applications from members.
We badly need more Board members. Support from anyone who is prepared and able to assist in our fund raising activities or who can provide special advice. In particular we need someone who can prepare a demountable exhibition to be mounted at various shows around the country, illustrating the type of research the Foundation finances.
Thanks to the work put into the Foundation by Janice Hughes, Malcolm Reed and Bill Payne, it is now on a firmer basis. What we need is more people who will canvas support. Any Directors who can suggest anyone who might be able to help should first talk with them and then ask them to get in touch with me.
